Colorado Stained Glass Since 1973
In 1973, Creative Stained Glass Studio emerged into the Colorado stained glass scene and our influence has remained strong ever since. Located in Denver, our artists are fully accredited Studio Members of the Stained Glass Association of America. As a mid-sized studio, we are able to give our full attention to each project from both an artistic and quality control standpoint.
Quality Reigns Supreme
Every one of our designs are unique to each client community and their architectural space. We design with the style best suited for each project – whether religious stained glass windows, commercial stained glass art, or residential windows – always supported with superior underlying compositional structure. We collaborate closely with all of our Colorado clients in person, and maintain an excellent process of communication with our out-of-state clients. We work so closely with each organization because it allows us to immerse ourselves in their place of worship which grants us greater understanding of the architectural capacity of the building as well as knowledge of the spiritual environment. This is one of the most important steps in the creation of stained glass, as it ensures the designs we create feel like an integral part of the community.
-Where is our work?
Our work spans all across Colorado- Denver, Englewood, Delta, Gunnison, Steamboat Springs- the list goes on. Colorado stained glass is our specialty, but we also have work across the nation in California, Utah, Iowa, Maryland, and Wyoming. Take a look at our Commissions page to find a church with some of our windows near you!
-Why Stained Glass?
Anybody who has ever spent enough time in a church has probably felt the influence of stained glass at one point or another. Stained glass gives a worship space a resounding spiritual atmosphere. The red, blue, and yellow hues of the glass cast a reverent light upon the interior of a church, bathing the room in a heartwarming mosaic which calms the mind and soothes the soul.
Please contact us if you would like more information or to set a time to talk to an artist for a free, no-obligation, consultation.
Looking for Examples of Religious Stained Glass? Check Out Our Gallery!
Here you can find some of the finest examples of stained glass being produced today. The photos in this gallery span forty years of Creative Stain Glass Studio’s influence in Colorado stained glass and beyond. Each detailed window has a unique history of collaboration between our clients and our company. Come explore that history with us!
Trying to Find Our Blog? Click the Image Below!
Our blog is the best place to keep up to date with our current projects, as well as the occasional flashback in time where we show you our work from years past. Within the blog you’ll find examples of a wide array of the various kinds of work we do, from religious windows to public art and residential work. Scroll down to the bottom of the blog to find a video detailing some of the processes that go into the making of a stained glass window. Make sure to click the link on the side of the page to find us on Facebook where you can like our page and keep up to date with all of the latest posts and pictures!